Hi there, I’m Alexandria.
Born and raised in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, I’ve spent over 7 years as a certified professional photographer and just over two years of dipping my toes into the world of freelance graphic design. I draw inspiration from just about every corner of the art world- whether it's graphic design, digital or traditional painting, sculpture, stained glass, or cultural crafts like black ash baskets, beading, and sewing. Basically, if it’s creative, I’m here for it!
Little bits about me..
My favorite color is dark green, like the moody depths of a lush forest that’s full of mystery. I have a Sphynx cat named Bishop, named by my son, who is, unsurprisingly, MUCH better at chess than I’ll ever be.
I’m a hobby homesteader and aspiring flower farmer, always chasing that next inspiring project. I’m Anishinaabe, proudly from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe in Michigan. When it comes to movies, horror takes the top spot, but fantasy is a close second—Lord of the Rings is my jam, and I’m that friend who annoyingly quotes all the lines in different voices while we watch.
I’ve got one tattoo... so far. As for my bucket list, it’s packed with adventure, featuring places like Iceland, Scotland, New Zealand, Ireland, and Greece. Let’s just say, it’s going to be one epic journey.