Freelance Design Client
Mino Ayaa is a small home healing spa business that needed a branding package including logos, branding guides and marketing collateral items. The client approached me searching for an artistic Ojibwe floral logo that represents her indigenous culture and brand of excellent service. The goal with the visuals is to build a client base, create collateral such as stickers, business cards, brochures and gift cards.

It was very important to the client to have LOTS of color represented in the logo.

The brochure was the largest piece of work within this project. Images needed to be shot by Alexandria and then brought together to explain to future clients of what the healing spa is capable of and what to expect.

The client asked to have "punch hole" icons so that she may use the cards as a tracker for her clients.

Alexandria shot branding portraits for client and was able to utilize them in her business cards.