In the summer of 2021, I interned with a small production team as the graphic designer for a documentary film. It was my job to design the logo, design subtitles for the fundraising trailer, and create the fundraising pitch PowerPoint and one-pager. The documentary is about a group of women in Michigan who created sisterhood bonds by attending events such as harvesting indigenous foods/plants and events like seeds swaps, and picnics, and processing raw materials such as maple syrup, apple cider, and wild rice. I was also enlisted to design the production company’s logo as well.
- Design a Logo that is to be used on the cover of the film, advertisement posters, and merch.
- Design a “pitch deck”, a several-page PowerPoint that gives more information to potential investors of the film. Introduces the production team, budgets, and overall story of the film.
- Design a condensed version of the pitch deck into one page, an easy way for investors to quickly get an idea of what the film is about and ask for investment.
- Design subtitles for the film’s fundraising trailer. There are women from all over the world in this group and in the trailer there are multiple languages spoken, including Spanish and Ojibwe.